I made a nostr client that's specifically designed to encourage people to write notes about something other than nostr. This is the strictly sports version of it. It's a global feed of every sports-related nostr post from the past two weeks.
I figure, this might be something useful to get some normal sports fans using nostr. You can actually see your own posts alongside BBC sports or ESPN or the Hindustan Times. It's otherwise unfiltered, so it should be anybody posting on any major sport anywhere in the world.
It's got a long way to go, so let me know if there's anything that might make this more interesting.
Would be cool if we got daily coverage of the bitcoin teams in each sport
Perth (baseball) Bedford (football) Bitcoin racing (Racing) etc.
Haven't watched sports in a while, hoping bitcoin and nostr fixes this.
Yeah, I wonder if I can find a way to automate turning certain news sites’ apis into nostr notes whenever they’re updated. Either way, it looks like there are already a lot of news bots already churning out notes like that indiscriminately.
Good idea!
Very cool!
This is cool.
Thanks! I'm gonna keep tweaking it for a while if you have any suggestions.