Davos is scared
When I look at bitcoin as a historian I don’t like it because this is a money built on distrust. The central idea of bitcoin is basically electronic gold, that we don’t trust the banks, the governments so we don’t want to give them the ability to create as much money as they like. So we create this bitcoin. It’s a currency of distrust. What we’ve seen over the last centuries is that it is actually a good idea to give banks and governments the ability to create more and more money in order to build more trust within society. So, I’m not sure what money would look like in 20 years or 30 years, but I hope that it would be a currency of greater trust and not a currency of distrust.
I don't think it's a currency created in mistrust, it's a currency to trust, which doesn't depend on the maniacal decisions of a central entity, and which only benefits a minority.
WTF is this? It doesnt make any sense at all. Printing more money is going to build more trust? Trust in what, inflation? bitterness?
Its called bullshit. That's what it is. You see, trust is built at the end of a gun.
That is not called trust. That is called taxation without representation.
When I look at bitcoin as a historian I don’t like it because this is a money built on distrust
As a pleb, when I look at the history of governments and central banks I see a system of broken trust. I see a system that doesn't trust the pleb but requires that the pleb trust the politician, bureaucrat, and banker. I see a society where moral rot fueled by short term dog eat dog thinking has destroyed the trust that was once something that separated western democracies from eastern authoritarian communist states. The elite class and their theft from the plebs have created a culture where we have to have trust minimized systems. If we don't build them we will never be free. We will never get out from under the boot of the elite.
The world my parents grew up in indeed was full of more trusting people. It wasn't bitcoin that changed that. It was the system of control we have been living under. People that live under authoritarian governments do not trust them. I believe one reason trust is rare is because trust is so rarely earned. We are slowly wising up.
Just one pleb's opinion.
"Brainwashed education to make us the fools."
This isnt even brainwashing. They arent even putting in any effort at all. Its kind of pathetic.
I have to agree with Marty here. This is gas lighting nonsense. Guys like this dude are great and making bullshit sound profound.
money in order to build more trust
There is a huge difference between you have to trust me and you have learned to trust me.
Trust is a heavy word. I trust people more as I have more experience with them and their character. I don't have to trust them. That is different.
I feel they are just taking trust for granted. Its like respect, it is earned through time. Not given.
It doesn't matter how many times they repeat this BS. It is still wrong. Why don't you let people decide for themselves. Bitcoin or bank, don't make it difficult, set them on equal level with no obstacles. Let people vote with their wallets. Then you will see what's right and what people really want.