If you are a very lucky person and someone sent you 10 BTC by mistake, what would you do with these 10 BTC?
Thing is, these scenarios never really happen. Unlike an accidental bank transfer to a sequential bank account, the probability of accidentally stumbling on a public address in which someone else knows the key is so infinitesimally small, it is not going to happen.
It’s more likely to be lost for all time. A gift to all other Bitcoiners.
while true, op's scenario can also occur in ways other than an astronomically rare address collision.
for example, maybe you are a miner and somebody fat fingers an absurdly high tx fee. i believe that actually happened not too long ago and the miner reimbursed them.
actually i am not sure if antpool ever followed through with the refund lol
So true. Will most likely be lost like all the other bitcoins.
I would most probably return him his BTC only when he apologizes to all Bitcoiners for being so careless that he didn't/couldn't confirm address twice for 10 BTC.
His apology must be written on SN while forwarding all his zaps to me. Also, the apology needs to be approved by all stackers before I return the amount.
Great answer
Accountability for all
Thanks mate!
As soon as I read it, I thought of the best punishment that a person should have for a blinder of ignoring the basics and I came up with that.
The best answer until now! Like it!
haha this is an epic answer. And 100% he would do it.
lol i want to give a sassy answer here but in all honesty i'd send it back.
i have seen people become suicidal over losing less. no way do i want that on my conscience.
You would likely send it "back" to the custodial service from which it came.
And this hypothetical suicidal person would never know, nor ... depending on the custodial service, ever be owed the funds by the service (e.g., as-is Coinbase's policy).
hmm, you're right.
i guess i wouldn't send it back right away then, and so some sleuthing as to where the funds came from and take it from there.
in this instance i may request some compensation as the whole process would eat up quite a bit of my time...!
X100 long it on Bitmex and pass it on the the next guy through my negligence
Post on SN say sign a message from the public key and I will return your corn
Do I know the person that sent it to me? If I know them I would send it back.
Nice try Fed…. you are not getting them back
Now you're talking.
125 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 15 May
Send it back. What man wants to live off someone else's mistake? Better to be poor than despicable.
Another very good answer!
Nice reply
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @harrr 15 May
Send 20 back
Same, and also waiting for 100 BTC then ;)
deleted by author
Immediately go on a boating trip.
Give back 9.5.
Send him back 20, of course
Let me ask you one question. Did it ever happen? Not 10 but even 1. How dumb that would be of a person! I can't think of such stupidity from someone. However will return all what is his with a stupid inscribed in 1 sat. Hope you understand what inmean.
I believe that honesty is the best policy. But (for 10 BTC), you get the right to ask who made this policy.😉
Very funny!
If that happens, I would ask on SN what to do...
Who this? new number 🤣
loose it most likely, then have to go ahead and pay for it on taxes. then get mugged by the dude who sent it to me, for not returning it.
If it’s possible to send it back and the owner has been verified somehow, I’d keep 10million sats and send the rest back. An expensive lesson but I’m sure they’ll still be happy to get back 99% of it
I agree with others. Very unlikely to happen. I could see it being a fat finger mistake with someone that I'm transacting with though.
Regardless, it always amazes me how cheaply people value their own integrity. If possible I'd send it back.
I will never know about it cause I check wallet only after my own transactions
Triple it by gambling!! 🤑
I sent 1 back 😂
Finders keepers. Code is law. Honestly, the coins are in my possession now and I am the true owner according to the only rules that matter (consensus).
Those who have proven incapable of HODL are not entitled to a second chance. What if they burn it next time? Better to let them learn and re-earn the hard way.
I am not more likely to give someone a random payday just because I just had one myself.
Go plead to the FBI and use the violence of the state if you want to steal it from me using fiat laws and customs as justification for your theft.
Otherwise, I'll just assume I earned it as a tip for delivering a pizza in 2012 and the customer just got around to sending it.
"Finders keepers. Code is law. Honestly, the coins are in my possession now and I am the true owner according to the only rules that matter (consensus)."
Yeah, go fuck that sorry ass of your's, what a bunch of crap.
What if they burn it next time?
That might be the only reason I would keep *some" of it, but everything else you said was psychopathic and asinine.
I accidentally turned my ASIC miner off for a few hours and missed a block. That miner stole it from me. If they were good natured and honest, they would send me that block reward for my mistake. /s
If we could rely on people being good-natured, we wouldn't need bitcoin.
Furthermore, what is to stop me from claiming every txn I made was a mistake? In fiat world, you can clawback almost any payment if you make a big fuss about it. There's an entire industry of scammers who exploit "good natured" people, because fiat allows them to get away with it.
Hey, however you want to justify your disdain for the average human being...
Its not distain for humans. Its ultimate respect for protocols.
If someone disrespect the protocol, they deserve what the protocol decides is their fate.
You wouldn't be violating a protocol by sending it back. The person who sent it to you also wasn't violating any protocol.
Ultimate respect for decency and earned wealth should be the only protocol we care about. There's plenty of wealth for everyone to earn from now until the end of time.
Keep shaming me with your made up morals while I laugh from my citadel feeling 10BTC richer.
Imagine going thru life asking, "did I earn this?" What a waste of thought!
Respecting the protocol means understanding the consequences of every interaction.
If a thief gets away with it, they earned it. The onus is on society/network/protocol to catch them. And on the individuals to avoid becoming a victim.
They're not my made up morals, they're what set our species apart from the bottom feeders. They're a technology, not someone else's zero-sum thinking and shackles solution, which is what we bitcoiners are ultimately trying to move away from.
The only thing the thief has earned is a false sense of accomplishment and unless they divert all of their loot to personal security, they'll end up a victim of another thief or their own stupidity. They'll get theirs one way or another, just like the mooching fucktards in government.