Nah, the state is great! The US is fine.
Pretty wild what is going on. People don't wanna fool with the US nonsense.
Looks like the government’s strategy is not to ban Bitcoin but instead make it impossible for most people to access unless they go through a government approved source that reports everything to a 3 letter agency.
I think absolutely indeterministic procedures are more important here. IBEX is probably the strongest US startup in LN payments.
It's very, very sad, the US gov obviously is putting so much scare into everybody.... Once again my customers and contacts telling me they're not sure about using ANY method to collect payments in BTC (SATS) on any of their websites.
I suggested that they use zaprite on a manual invoice (which is what I'm going to do).
======================================== I sent these words below to many of my contacts, customers this morning.
"Just received a very sad email from IbexPay which is what I have been using to accept Bitcoin payments on my hybrid shopify website. They are suspending all service in the USA effective May 31st".
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @leo 15 May
Is this because of regulation, or because Americans seem to still stubbornly resist using Bitcoin as money?
I'd guess the chilling effect of all the recent arrests with ambiguous charges.
They are dropping like flies. SN might have to move to Canada.
lmfao out of the frying pan into the fire. They should move to El Salvador
I don't get the Swan xfers. Was this just running on top of Swan?
Nah I think they just partnered with Swan so their customers had an easy, custodial exit.
The state loves war with weapons and we love war with code. I believe taht this migration of talent and companies would definitely pressurize US to rethink their stance .
Third world luddite country
Everyone is afraid they will be next. Its not good when companies have an exodus.