NHL hockey started last night. I didn't pay particularly close attention as I was watching the Orioles get dismantled by the Rangers but hockey talk is open for those inclined. I will try to keep up but honestly I have not really followed NHL that closely since I converted from Leafs fan to Leafs hater over a decade ago. I am interested to see how Bedard does. Other than following NHL to wish ill upon the Maple Leafs, what team should I keep an eye on this year?
I am looking forward to @siggy47 rants about the Islanders though. We need to make the "one man on an island" (siggy talking to himself about the islanders) dream happen.
How about those Texas Rangers? The team has an uncanny knack for looking unbeatable for some stretches and god awful for others. Bad news for AL playoff teams, they look unbeatable now. I expect we will see the battle of Texas in the ALCS and that should be interesting. I am glad the fine people of DFW have something to root for after their football team forgot they had a game Sunday night.
Phillies v.s Braves mini world series shaping up to be everything I hoped for. Too bad it is only a 5 game series.
Dodgers pivot to Ohtani pursuit after today? Twins put up a fight and make it interesting or run out of steam punching up?
Looking forward to finding out.
Sats for all.
I will prepare for the Isles season of glory by watching this film about a former player: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107047/
Alright Islanders v.s Sabres will be the talk of NY state Saturday night.
Bedard got a point in his 1st game and a goal in his 2nd...not a bad start
Not bad at all. I actually watched most of that mess of a Maple Leafs game last night. Cherry picker Matthews got 3 goals, two of which were dumb luck. The Leafs pulled their goalie down 2 with 4:40 left. It ended up working but how pathetic can you be desperate to win the home opener because your moron fans paid 1k to watch it and it will be the best thrill of the season for them because you will be out in the first round of the playoffs. Just sad, pathetic and sad.