The history of an Spanish fightning against English like Don Quixote.

In honor to Alonso Andrea, a citizen of Ledesma, close to Salamanca in Spain, that, as a very young man, back in the 16th century, enlisted in an expedition to the New World in search of fortune. The chronicles say that, as an old man, defended the city of Caracas to death from the assault of English pirates.
It was the year 1595, when hundreds of pirates led by the English privateer Amyas Preston landed in Venezuelan lands, plundering everything they found in their path. When the news was heard in Caracas, its rulers quickly gathered an army of armed men and went out to meet them in order to prevent the entry of the invaders, but Preston, sensing the defense that would be found, devised a different way to take the city. Aided by a traitor, whom he would later execute, he entered the town by surprise using a hidden path made by the indigenous people. Seeing themselves trapped, the inhabitants who had remained in the city hid in the nearby mountains, except for Alonso Andrea de Ledesma who, dressed in armor, carrying a spear and buckler and on his old steed, went out alone to meet the English pirates. Preston, seeing the brave resistance presented by the old man, ordered his men not to shoot or harm him until, seeing the casualties he caused among the pirates, he was shot down and killed.
Tradition has it that, in homage to the one who had gone out to defend the population so heroically, he was taken to the city in a procession by the invaders and buried with great displays of honor and respect.

Todays Ledesma photos

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like a ghost town, interesting story
Venezuela has always been so rich in many ways, especially culturally, music, art, its people, everything that makes it unique.