Today we've seen two Bitcoin Core releases come out: version 25.2 and version 27.0.
Why is the maintenance version 25.2 needed/desired?
201 sats \ 0 replies \ @rtr 16 Apr
Correct me if I'm wrong but it's mostly for compatibility with older systems.
New major releases of software often include new library dependencies and new versions of existing dependencies. Sometimes those can introduce breaking changes if you're using an LTS system like RHEL and Ubuntu LTS.
If v25 is working on your machine, then v25.2 will also most probably work.
Generally speaking maintenance software releases address bug & security fixes. Moving from 25.1 to 25.2 for example. But moving a whole version number adds new features.
I am still running v0.15.2 non-segwit 😂😂😂
Segwit was 0.13.1?
I think you are talking about wallet support?
I was joking anyways...
A cowboy from the wild west🤠⚡
25.2 is maintenance release of 25.x branch. It is straight forward to upgrade. Going to v26 or v27 may break compatibility, etc, you might be careful when doing that with your backend infrastructure. Of course, not so big of a problem for people running nodes at home, they can upgrade but also, there might be some incompatibilities introduced with other software you are using that talks to Core.
Stability. If you’re already running 25.x, upgrading to 25.2 is not likely to present issues, compared to upgrading to a new major version. Other comments also mention this.
Also, if someone doesn’t agree with changes made in 26, 27+, they can still benefit from bug fixes in 25.2 without updating to incorporate changes they don’t agree with or want.
Minor versions you can basically blind update if using in production.
Major versions likely need some testing to make sure APIs didn't change in a way you didn't like.
For regular/manual users updating is fine.
I don't own a PC, I don't require bug fixes and don't need any of the versions. All I need is Sats!!