It's funny how things show up at the perfect moment! I am just starting to understand how this fits into the puzzle that is the experience of life as a human! What I do know, and have for a while is that, without even knowing (for most) we are already the main character in our story. When we embrace this and are aware of it then the world is our oyster! I don't profess to know enough about bitcoin(yet) to be able to say how it will factor into my narrative, but I do know that if you want it to, then it can absolutely work how you want it too! As for having to spend all your time on here to do that - well i don't believe that to be true, unless you want it to be! I suppose the question is - how can you gain more knowledge of bitcoin and SN and make it work for you?
I think, for one, I need to have the discipline to publish my own courses on emeralize:
I will work towards it!
ok I was worried for a second that this would go into the direction of magiK... but this is a good question:
how can you gain more knowledge of bitcoin and SN and make it work for you?
it could have gone in that direction - however you asked us to relate it to bitcoin so I chose to keep magik at bay (or did I?)
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @om 29 Apr
Dun dun DUN!..
I haven't asked you anything before, must be someone else.
ha ha... true! I read the reply and assumed it was the OP! Whoops! My mistake :)