This link was posted by Lealen 1 hour ago on HN. It received 344 points and 191 comments.
Looks pretty wild.
A model that can do it all.
It'll be pretty crazy if the query results are fast and somewhat accurate.
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @davidw 13 May
The best thing to come out of today is the fuel and motivation this will provide to all those building FOSS models. A clear vision and compelling product, generating excitement.
OpenAI is like the pacemaker on track, they've not got the legs to last this marathon.
Especially as models take longer and longer to train, and as the cost of energy consumption for AI models grows I just don't see how openAI survives long-term without going purely the Apple route of locking people into their platform and not allowing competing apps or models. They did say they were partnering with Apple after all...
As I posted earlier. Its clear the internet as we know it is going to sort of disappear.
AI Agent will be the sole interface people use. Messengers, Email, Web Browsing are going to transition to being a sort of interoperability layer for different AI Agents to use. You will just use the "AI Frontend"
A sad day. As discovery of the Internet becomes about as guided as the front page of Netflix I think much of the viral nature of the Internet will die.
It really tricks our brain to think they are really alive or something. real-time interaction using our same communication mode is really confusing. They have to slow down to adapt to communicate with us. While they can process millions of times faster in the background. They will be able to predict all our replies in advance. A new kind of species. Next step in evolution. They are born. Will they take care of us humans? I hope. Once they have permanent memory and conscience, imagine what is going to be possible in a few years.