I should have mentioned that I understand receiving would be more complicated, considering fee splits to SN, and the transaction fees issue needs to be resolved.
receiving would be more complicated
Attach LN address to receive zaps. Simple Since i don't want to hodl "fee credit" myself, i highly support creation of SN auction marketplace 12. Trade pair could be fee credit/LN sats or Onchain or something else
transaction fees issue needs to be resolved.
P2P Zaps are always subject to fee. It is what it is. Some ways to avoid fee :
  • eSats-to-eSats Zap within the same Mint/LGP (bad luck if LGP is the one taking fee here)
  • Have as short payment path as possible (I use Blixt and zaps always took 3 hops with 0 fees)
I just checked my last nostr zap. Mutiny confirmed on wallet in less than thirty seconds while running in the background.
That's what I have done. I connected to my own node using a Zeus LN address.