I share today an episode from @lunaticoin podcast. It is in Spanish but I consider it so important in my way as a beginner that I will make a summary in English.
Mary had her bitcoins ( speaks between 1 and 5 bitcoins) stolen in front of her. Noticed an email sent from exchange about a login she did not recognise , then she accessed the exchange and could see the transfer of her funds which she hadn’t authorised.
Contacted @lunaticoin for help and went through different possibilities.
  1. First of all told her to install Tor ( also mentions to use VPN) , then search for breaches of her password and email in apps and websites through https://haveibeenpwned.com/ where they found up to 12 breaches.
  2. Then checked whether her email had suffered any attacks and if they were successful. Realised that had 3 successful attacks. Also noticed she had not activated two steps verification
  3. From this point @lunaticoin starts offering solutions which included password manager, two steps verification and email masks.
  4. Finally the most important “not your keys , not your bitcoins” . Suggested to transfer her bitcoins to a cold wallet next time.
Lots of things to learn for all of us who start here. This time she could not recover her bitcoins but next time I hope she will not lose them.
Nothing new. A fool and her money were parted.
I understand your point of view , though a few lessons to learn and not repeat
I also got rugged by an exchange back in 2017, and had to take it on the chin, while I lost a lot of Bitcoin, which I can still be sour about today, it motivated me to get my act together and take self custody,
if I was going to be serious about this asset class, I shouldn't be skimping and relying on a password, custodian and maybe a 2FA, as the value of Bitcoin increases, the incentive to crack your account increases
Don't give them a sniff
You’re right. That is what transpires at the end of the podcast . Even though you step up security measures, self custody is the way.
Thanks for your V4V in translating the key points!
You’re welcome. This podcast made me change several things and I hope will help others.