By Douglas French
Many people are selling their gold to make ends meet. Others are buying gold as insurance against mounting price inflation.
Gold is fun and safe until you try to leave your country with gold. In Venezuela gold is cheaper than it is in most countries, but good luck getting it out of the country.
True. The biggest problem with the Mises guys is that they haven’t taken the orange pill yet.
Generally, if you substitute “Bitcoin” for “gold” in their articles, the points get even better.
Gold is always a safe haven. Silver is another safe haven, but gold is more dense and easier to move. But in time of crisis, silver is easier to spend because of its divisibility.
That's true, but I think Bitcoin is already gobbling up their monetary value.
Of course, but for the older generation it wasnt about increasing value in times of crisis. It was all about holding value. Bitcoin is the digital gold of this age.