Despite its 1996 release, the Nintendo 64's original hardware and games have both remained relatively hot-button in enthusiast circles here into 2024. Now, the next frontier of high-end N64 gameplay may be through recompiled PC ports instead of emulation, courtesy of Mr-Wiseguy on GitHub. Wiseguy is responsible for the release of both N64Recomp and Zelda64Recomp, a project that ports The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask to PC with N64Recomp's graphical and QoL improvements.
I feel like older games had a thinking aspect that newer generation games lack. Someday I will introduce some of these older games to my son.
For sure. I can’t wait to share some of my favorite games with my son when he is older.
I do remember the TMNT ones always being harder to beat.
I never had any of those growing up but next door neighbor did. We would play them all the time.
I remember a big thing that happened was when n64 had a gameboy attachment, so you could play gameboy games on the tv. That made for some mad sessions of tekken! You didnt need the cord anymore to play against each other!
My neighbor had the one for the SNES. I didn’t realize that they made one for the N64 as well.
For the longest time my parents insisted that the NES was all we needed so we never got the SNES and it took my Uncle getting the N64 and bringing it over to convince my dad that it was an upgrade worth buying.
Sorry, you are right. It was for the SNES. Not n65. I believe n64 had the joysticks, while the snes had the toggle bar, right?
Yeah that sounds correct.