Alby is a versatile browser extension that simplifies the use of Bitcoin and Nostr directly within the web browser, enabling users to manage multiple lightning wallets and engage with Bitcoin apps seamlessly. It facilitates quick, secure transactions without needing to scan QR codes or switch apps, and allows for the management and generation of Nostr keys to participate in the decentralised social network. Alby also supports content creators by enabling direct payment functionalities through the lightning network, offering a new way for them to monetise their content while bypassing traditional financial intermediaries.


Does Alby have mobile wallet too?
Hey, we don't - but you can:
  • link your Zeus Wallet or Blue Wallet apps
  • use as progressive web app (PWA) on your phone
  • use Firefox Mobile on Android (and our extension there)
No, not really. But I read a few months ago that it works as an extension on Android Firefox.
edit: Keep in mind that Alby is custodial, but I think it's a good starting point for beginners who don't want to bother with managing their own node.
Alby is still "custodial"?
hold my beer and stay tuned
Alby extension allows to connect lots of selfcustodial wallets.