The neuropsychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik, in his book "Psychothérapie de Dieu" (Psychotherapy of God), says, among other things: "Religious belief becomes stable when it is instilled by the mother (or the person who will take care of the child) when one is young.
Opening the windows in the morning (the first thing I do when I get up), as well as the pleasure that the rays of the sun give me when the weather is beautiful, led me one day to discover that the religion my mother instilled in me was the sun. She believed in it.
"I've been taking you to the beach since you were six months old," she often told me, with the satisfaction of a mother who has done well.
But she never told me that all my life I had another "sun": her love.
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This was warm and comforting.. now I wanna call my mother (My Sun)