I have a 3 years old Podenco ( small hunting dog), I adopted last September. Until last mo he has been behaving perfect, he was ok being by himself.
But we changed house and on the new and bigger place his behaviors changed.
My wife and myself work from home, but the dog in the old apartment usually was in his bed or around the living room by himself. Now,is like he needs to be where we are.
And when we go out without him, he has started bitting furniture and shoes and scratching the door.
Just sharing my situation and hoping to read some good advices in order to avoid more damage.
sounds like he's not getting enough attention
He gets 3 or 4 walks a day. We normally call him to be in the office with us, but now he follows me all the time, if O go to the kitchen or bathroom he is behind me.
I want him to learn again to be by himself.