After recently receiving seeds for planting and posting about it earlier, unfortunately, only 2 out of the mentioned 5 Critical AK58 (Automatic) seeds have sprouted so far, with the others yet to emerge. The ones that have sprouted seem to display some deficiency, as evident from the discolorations on the leaves in the attached image. I'm unable to pinpoint the cause of this issue. Perhaps someone here might have some insights to offer.
Currently, I'm only watering with plain water at regular intervals. The lamp is positioned approximately 60cm away from the plants, operating at the lowest light intensity. The soil I'm using is just standard organic soil from the hardware store.
Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated
What is the little cut stick for to the left of the sprout?
By plain water - do you mean tap/well? Distilled? Spring water?
When you rub the leaves does the discoloration move? As in it is a powder/deposit on the leaves.
It's possible a teeny bit more Nitrogen could help, but I would not start there if it's related to what is in the water you are currently using.
I would suggest start adding a low feed rate. Tbh kinda hard to tell but looks like some thrip damage.
Thanks! I will look into this, @Book_It. Will post an update as soon as there is any procress, cheers