I have a couple theories about North Korea 🇰🇵 First it is the hermit kingdom because it is geographically isolated. Second Koreans especially in 1950 have been a docile conformist culture. Koreans don’t question.
South Korea is different now but it took about 40 years for a cultural shift driven by world of Warcraft and league of legends and K pop. Plus they hosted the Olympic in 1988 and winter Olympic in 2018.
For the record I have played league of legends to prepare for an interview with riot games. That company is weird. Also I am terrible video game player
My only connection to video games is video game glasses by Gunnar which actually work for non video game reasons for staring at a computer screen
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That's a good point. My understanding is that East Asian cultures are quite a bit more conformist and that makes them more vulnerable to authoritarianism.
Some are able to grow up and become less authoritarian over time. But all started authoritarian. No society starts with democracy or self governance with few exceptions.
China South Korea Japan Taiwan Singapore Hong Kong Vietnam which is South Asia
Hong Kong is an exception because of British rule