It's hard to convince people that part of zapping wisely is zapping a meaningful amount. For Stacker News to continue working, stackers need to understand that.
I will tell you another aspects:
  1. If somebody is zapping 100 or 10k sats to a post, how much would you zap? 100 or another 10k?
Many stackers will zap smaller amounts if they see a post getting large amount of sats from the beginning. I studied this behavior and that's why sometimes I zap let's say 100 sats if I like that post, then I wait to see others reactions. If more people are engaging and is a nice discussion, I would zap even more sats to the same OP.
Why this? So if I am also the first one in commenting, they will not see how much I zapped initially.
People tend to have the "sheep syndrome" and following others behavior. Also they will zap because x zapped, but sometimes they don't even read what was written.
  1. What if you zapped initially 10k sats and later in the comments the OP says something stupid that even contradict the original post?
That's why I said "zap wisely"....
You've mentioned this approach before and I think it's very interesting. I don't usually have the diligence to circle back around and see how the discussions are evolving, but I'm glad that's something you're doing.
I've definitely prematurely zapped someone and regretted it later when they said something dumb.
I totally agree, "Zap wisely". I'm trying to get people to think about what that means, though, because I don't think it's what they're doing and I think SN will be better if they start.
I came onto SN thinking I would take millions of sats out, but my mindset changed very quickly. I feel it is better to have a zero sum game, where you dont take out anything. I believe the content will be better in the long run that way, but I could be wrong. I have only been here a little while and everyone has treated me pretty well.
That's very much how I feel too.
There will always be things you dont like, but you can mute them. It does get annoying when people post the same news articles. There is a learning curve, I am sure my posts will get better with time. Takes time to figure out how to present your posts in your own way! :)