Bitcoin Book Publisher: Konsensus Network

Konsensus Network is a book publisher for literature about Bitcoin, Austrian economics and sovereignty.
What does Konsensus Network do and why buy your Bitcoin books from their Bitcoin bookshop?

Publishing Services for Authors

Konsensus Network offers publishing services for authors.
If you're writing a book about Bitcoin (or e.g. Austrian economics), you can offer them your manuscript.
If you pass their editorial screening, the company can help you to get your book published.
Since Konsensus Network can only take on a limited amount of books at a time for a full white glove publishing service, it also offers publishing services to self-publishers who can get help for e.g. distribution, translations, proof-reading, cover art or brand management.

Over 60 Books Across a Dozen Languages

Konsensus Network was founded in 2019 by Niko Laamanen with the purpose of publishing the Finnish translation of The Bitcoin Standard by Saifedean Ammous.
The translated version was published with the help of volunteers.
Since 2019, Konsensus Network has published over 60 books across a dozen languages, and employs a decentralized "starfish" organizational model that harnesses the power of volunteers.

Bitcoin Bookshop

Konsensus Network has a Bitcoin bookshop where you can find physical and digital copies of various Bitcoin books.
Instead of feeding the Amazon beast, why not buy your Bitcoin books directly from a Bitcoin-only publishing house?
If you recommend Bitcoin books to your friends, consider getting your own Konsensus Network affiliate code.
Your affiliates will get a 10% discount on their purchases and you will get a 10% commission for each referral.
Have you ordered books from Konsensus Network? Or have you published? How was your experience?

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