Can we also have a green team?
Can we play a match?
Sorry but I just want to say Bitcoin isn't a game.
We don't require these fuckin' pretenders, what we need are pure Bitcoiners.
The other side is called "blue team" ... The blue team already exists.
I didn't say bitcoin is a game.
I don't like pretenders. We already shield Bitcoin with the energy we apply while mining.
Sir, you're right. I know we have a blue team. That's why I aspired a green one.
I only wanted to say that why to make it more pretending when we can have some real ones. Also, Bitcoin is so true, that it needs no shield.
A truth doesn't need a shield.
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @om 2 May
Also, Bitcoin is so true, that it needs no shield. A truth doesn't need a shield.
The purpose of all the energy burned for mining is to create a shield, in Saylor's terms, a wall of energy.
Yes, and that's the shield we already have, why do we require another one? That too of pretenders?
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @om 3 May
To protect us from attacks coming at a different angle, of course. No amount of energy burned would save us from vulnerabilities in the code. Your room likely has 4 walls instead of 1 for similar reasons.
That too of pretenders?
You can call security research with a bad word but that doesn't change our need for security.
I agree we need security but not with the 'Red team'. We must avoid the pretenders.