As I was making my daily cup of morning coffee, I decided to listen to a podcast episode covering the topic of deliberate cold and heat exposure ( (for anyone interested.) And as most podcasts do, the host started off with naming his sponsors and what have you, and he also promoted his newsletter. Usually I either skip this part, or don't pay much mind to it, although from time to time I'll hear the name of a sponsor that sounds interesting and look into their products, but this time around, the newsletter part caught my attention. It caught my attention simply because I realized I'm not signed up for anyone's newsletter, and my mind says, "Maybe you're missing out on some valuable content by not doing so."
I normally just listen to a podcast episode or watch a YouTube video and that'll be the end of my consumption of that creator's content, but many, especially within the health improvement space (and financial / economics / Bitcoin space) offer a subscription to their newsletter where they'll go into more depth of whatever it is they cover. And so now I'm wondering, I should probably sign up for the newsletter of those who I find consistently provide valuable input into my life.
Which then ties into a chat I had with my friend recently, who told me about how Instagram is planning on charging content creators to post on IG, and that they will prioritize and cater their algorithm towards those who pay I guess some sort of subscription fee to get better exposure. She is a content creator herself, and she told me that she was never a fan of using IG even prior to this news, but now she is even more turned off by the incoming change. But then I remembered that she too sends regular newsletters to those on her emailing list, which made me realize the importance of using newsletters since it is something that is essentially peer to peer, direct from content creator to consumer, and allows for more control especially on the creator's end. (Side note: aiming to recommend SN and Nostr to both her and my girlfriend, although girlfriend is already on SN.)
In conclusion, I'm now more curious as to the potential of newsletters, and will look into joining some this week.
Any newsletters stackers are subscribed to? How do you feel about the potential of newsletters? Also, different question but nonetheless related. Are you more of an auditory learner or visual, do you prefer podcasts, articles / books, or videos to learn something new?