The one big issue I have with mainstream social media today is that there is so much wasted potential. The idea at first for social media was to share with others, to build networks, and to create a digital space where we can connect and socialize.
Nowadays, there's little to none of that in my opinion. There's not much of anything that's productive, everything is politicized, it's full of noise minimal signal, everyone is just on there trying to prove some point or to prove to the world they're better than someone else, so much toxic competition and constant comparison, so little collaboration and building together. Social media initially was meant to bring us together, but it has quite frankly ended up doing the complete opposite.
But luckily for us, we have Stackernews. A space where our feeds aren't taken over by a million selfies or virtue signaling or pointless posts that only serve to give us a hit of dopamine, but actual value, genuine discussion, and true community building in which we are all contributing to make this world even a little bit better (I say little out of modesty but who are we kidding, we're changing the freaking world together!)
On SN, I don't have any ulterior motive. I post what I feel I need to post. I share ideas and experiences with the hopes that someone on here takes that idea and makes it many times better, whereas on traditional social media everyone is worried about me, myself, and I, not willing to share or collaborate or work together unless they get something out of it.
Anyways, I'm grateful such an alternative space was built. A space where I can speak my mind and fully express myself, and receive thoughtful responses and have genuine interactions. I've always been an optimist, but being on here makes me even more of one amidst the fiat circus we currently live in.
What SN does right compared to all other social media, in my humble opinion, is that it charges you for posting. This has a profound effect on the quality of the experience on the site, and creates a healthy network effect. Earning sats is just the cherry on top.
You make a very good point!
You are absolutely right bro. This is the platform for learners.
Stacker News and Nostr are right on time. This algorithm-induced selection of informational silos is crazy. I mean that literally. I watch and read various information sources and think these people have gone nuts. Then I think, they think I'm the one who's nuts!
We are not all nuts. This is some corporate/government bullshit.
The revolution will not be televised! The revolution will be streamed in 8k!