38,355 sats stacked
stacking since: #19330longest cowboy streak: 3
Really good redesign. Love the side navigation. Looks really sharp.
New stacker news design is awesome.
So clean and fresh. đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź
1M sats! This is awesome. Let's go!
Yes. Most people contact us and have a conversation where we help them with this specific needs.
I just ordered The Bitcoin Miners Almanac written by Rob from Riot. Can't yet recommend but looking forward to it.
Thanks. Open to any ideas that make Bitcoin meetups great.
Thanks for this. I definitely want to do topics and presentations and find people to do that as well.
Thanks for your feedback. Very good. Meet up is in Winnipeg Manitoba Canada.
What do you see as the best onboarding ramp for new Bitcoin users and not just holders?
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HNews is the web2 Y combinator crowd.
In it's early days, Y combinator was like an elite club that put developers in front of people with lots of money to invest into their ideas with the goal of making unicorn companies.
It was focused on raising money to create a company so founders could exit with a pile of cash. If the idea was commercially viable, the VCs would invest. It attracted entrepreneurs that wanted to be billionaires and less about changing or making the world a better place.