This Open AI stuff is absolutely wild....
I would definitely watch this trailer πŸ˜‚
Write a preview trailer script for a new drama movie about Michael Saylor and Ron Weasley accepting Bitcoin payments over the Lightning Network set around the Christmas Holidays in Diagon Alley

Narrator: Get ready for the most exciting holiday drama of the season.
[Opening shot of Diagon Alley, filled with bustling crowds and Christmas decorations]
Narrator: In the magical world of Diagon Alley, things are about to change.
[Cut to a shot of Michael Saylor and Ron Weasley, standing in front of a crowded storefront]
Narrator: Meet Michael Saylor and Ron Weasley, two powerful and ambitious businessmen.
[Cut to a shot of Saylor, speaking at a conference]
Narrator: He's a tech mogul, always pushing the boundaries of innovation.
[Cut to a shot of Weasley, standing in front of a large pot of gold]
Narrator: She's a successful entrepreneur, always looking for the next big thing.
[Cut to a shot of Saylor and Weasley shaking hands]
Narrator: When they team up, they're unstoppable.
[Cut to a shot of Saylor and Weasley standing in front of a sign that says "Now Accepting Bitcoin"]
Narrator: They're about to make history by accepting Bitcoin payments over the Lightning Network.
[Cut to a shot of Saylor and Weasley smiling and laughing together]
Narrator: But their bold move attracts the attention of powerful enemies.
[Cut to a shot of a group of dark wizards, standing ominously in the shadows]
Narrator: Can they survive the dangers of the crypto world and come out on top?
[Cut to a shot of Saylor and Weasley, standing triumphant in front of a pile of Bitcoin]
Narrator: "The Crypto Wizards" - a thrilling holiday drama, coming soon.
[Fade to black]
When will AI take over Hollywood writing…
I think this is proof AI has been writing movie pitches for a few years now.
The AI has watched so many netflix movies by now πŸ˜…