This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Really liked the long form post by @porthodl two days ago. Makes me want to write a long form post about bitcoin and farming here.
But also makes me hope we see more long form content on here generally.
Out of interest, what caused the outage today?
AWS attempted to update my database's minor version but it failed.
This should've been fine (it just should've rolled back and kept trucking), but I have a custom nginx config and whenever there's a configuration change without code being deployed, aws fails to apply the nginx config and nginx doesn't start.
All I had to do was ssh into the machines and start nginx.
What I'll be working on today:
  1. figuring out why the database couldn't update
  2. how to avoid this nginx issue (it was just an inconvenience before ... never took the site down)
Turns out when I upgraded my database a few weeks ago, the aws service I was using didn't update it's config - they're out of sync and no upgrades can be performed.
I'm going to try to decouple the database from the environment and try to not take down the site again.
Oh boy this is a mess ... I'm going to have to build a totally fresh environment ... All the hacks I tried have failed.