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Britcoin is the perfect advertisement for Bitcoin. Every time they utter the word, people will think of Bitcoin.
Anyone else get the impression these guys have no clue what they’re doing?
When I was a child we used to call it saving, not hoarding.
Get paid in Britcoin, buy and hold Bitcoin. Simple.
The need for self-sovereignty becomes more evident daily.
...from my cold dead hands...
"may cause bank collapses" - no, of course the bankers are saints and would never rehypothecate, overleverage and push their reserve fraction to nearly zero.
CDBCs are going to bring on hyperinflation. When it does and the pitchforks and torches come out it will be entirely unforseen, and it will be blamed on Bitcoin ofc. Bitcoiners want to kill grandma and kick her out of her government apartment, you know! Oh, in the reverse order of course, maximum pain. Cos that's how we roll.