Sounds like wishful thinking. Also the thing with 3 phases with an intermediate step with gold show how speculative this is.
Bitcoin could be the Bridge between BRIC and NON-BRIC nations.
I don't know if countries would go for BTC, if anything I think this could pump local capital markets, if I am lets say Brazil and I am sitting with a bunch of rubles or Yuan I don't need to manage my FX, its a melting ice cube, I can probably put some of that extra capital in gold and settle up with the various BRICS nations, or the easier thing to do would be to swap those Rubles or Yuan for that currencies bonds if its got a decent yield or go into their stock markets and buy up shares in Russian and Chinese companies.
I think thats where this money will flow first before it flows into bitcoin
This article was featured on ZeroHedge:
Breaking Dollar Hegemony, BRICS Nations Are Leading The World To Hyperbitcoinization
I am a Bitcoiner. However, I doubt that China or Russia will accept a hyperbitcoinization of the world. Some will say they have no choice. That may be so.
But don't count on them to support the hyperbitcoinization of the world.
China and Russia will not allow a fair monetary system over which they have no control to develop within their borders and then foster its growth. No manipulation and no censorship with Bitcoin. That's not what Xi Jinping and the CCP like.
China in particular has been advancing its digital yuan for several years, which will serve to better monitor and control its population. It is the last missing piece in the puzzle of the mass surveillance society that the CCP has been installing for years in China.
It is rather the yuan as a reserve currency that China will push in the future to Russia, the BRICS, and the countries of the South. And also the digital yuan.
For these countries, the interest of letting a currency totally manipulated by the CCP take over the American dollar is not obvious at first sight, but the resentment towards America is such that the yuan will gain in power in the years to come, it is a certainty.
For Bitcoin, the rise in power will continue throughout the decade, but it will come from individuals and "small" countries willing to change their future like El Salvador, not from nations as powerful as the BRICS can already be.
another clickbait stuff from Bitcoin Magazine .... I didnt even bother reading it as I know their content is always based on hype ....
They used to be good in the past!
Makes perfect sense. The consensus store of energy is Bitcoin. So one way or another, there is Bitcoin to be mined everywhere and can be sent to transact internationally for settlement. The dream of using Bitcoin to settle, say commodities where BRICS have is within grasp. Since the West kept cracking down on Crypto like the recent news from the regulators, Bitcoin will become currency widely use in BRICS and Western individual merchants / traders instead.
это логично. чистая жизнь. нет разницы чем платить и получать. а если это не возможно заблокировать и конфисковать то это просто альтернатива доллару который стар как мой пк из 1999года.... ахааа