Which are the best Bitcoin and Lightning conferences or events that are worth attending?
btc++ is hosting an event in austin at the end of the month, looks like it will be focused on bitcoin layer two tech
For me the the baltic honeybadger in Riga is one of the best.
I'd probably attend if they didn't have this crap in their T&C's:
Admission to the Conference and identity verification 3.2.6 The Conference Organizer reserves the right to check the identity of anyone entering the Conference grounds (or to have it checked by designated representatives). If one cannot identify oneself, the Conference visitor may be refused entry to the Conference. A valid identification document can be a valid ID card, passport, or driver's license. Copies of identity documents will not be accepted. 3.2.7 The Conference Organizer reserves the right to check an interoperable vaccination/recovery certificate or proof of a negative COVID-19 test result on entry. If it cannot be provided, the Conference visitor may be refused entry to the Conference.
3.2.7 is the worst in my view, but 3.2.6 is also not OK. There are many other conferences that do not require government ID in order to enter the venue.
3.2.7 has never been enforced, current laws in Latvia does not require that.
Just a guess: these are probably requirements from the venue, not from the organizers
I can confirm that last year they were checking the government ID to validate the name on the ticket, i found it a bit weird. 3.2.7 doesn't make any sense.
I heard TAB was more signal than noise but I wonder if it is too technical to get anything out of it. I’m 50-50 on attending this year.
Lots of no technical people to. Some of the talks are recorded, you could watch last year's if you want to a preview
I'm quite looking forward to BTC Prague. It's running for the first time.
honeybadger (all around great) and adopting bitcoin (heavily lightning focused)
advancing bitcoin is probably the most technical one, personal best was still The lightning conference in 2019 berlin but sadly Fulmo decided to not do it this year
FYI I gathered all bitcoin conferences I managed to find in one place: bconf.org