Velas on Ferrari. Tezos on Red Bull. Fantom on Alpha Tauri. So many shitcoins are advertising on F1 cars, taking advantage of the sports recent success attracting younger people to watch. Have you see any others?
Bitcoin SV on Trabant
The Trabant absolutely deserves its spot on the list of the worst cars ever made. Even looking at the car, you get a distinct feeling that something is odd about the way it looks, and it's not just the awful design. Taking a closer look, it's easy to notice that the car is definitely not made from steel, aluminum, or any sort of metal (it may not show in the picture, but it does when you see one in real life). The Trabant's body was actually made from Duroplast, a fiberglass-like plastic made from recycled cotton waste. The Trabant was East Germany's answer to the VW Beetle and the Soviets' ZAZ-965, a "people's car." Launched in 1957, the Trabant was produced until 1990, when, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, people refused to purchase them, buyers opting for second-hand Western cars instead. Being once the most sought-after car in East Germany, the Trabant became the symbol of the fall of the Wall and the reunification of Germany.
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Floki on Alfa Romeo