This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
henW i type on SN today after a fresh reload of the page, the cursor is moved back, creating what you see in the first word of this post(i wrote it correctly). Why?
It doesn't happen later on, it's just on the first interaction after the initial load of the page.
Trying to avoid reddit for the boycott.. curious what are everyone's favorite subreddits?
R/homebrewing if you like to homebrew beer.
So many subreddits. A lot of "front page" subs like technology or askreddit. Video content stuff like tik tok cringe which is a good window into the world of tiktok without consuming it myself. Reddit is an endless source of information and a diverse sense of sentiment about different topics you can't find anywhere else.
We should keep in mind the community and content that make up the spirit of the platform are separate from the platform itself. Sometimes we become so negative about the platform, we become negative about the spirit of it too.
i'm missing r/gaming right now. lots of trailers for new games and dlc coming out i can't discuss (phantom liberty, starfield, etc). i miss seeing all the ultrahand engineers on r/tearsofthekingdom.
also r/trees, love that place.
wouldn't mind lurking r/conservative to read all the whataboutism with trump going to court tomorrow for his second round of indictments. i haven't heard anything about hunter's laptop in far too long
Despite being non-btc centric I quite enjoy the FIRE and investing subs, even wallstreetbets during peak ZIRP. Also MMA/boxing, netflixbestof, AI subs (midjourney/stablediffusion), medical (residency/medicine/medicalschool), and geographic local subs for my cities. Probably some other big ones I'm missing.
I was at the park with my kids yesterday when an ice cream truck drove up. I decided to treat them to some very overpriced ice cream, but my wife was complaining that we could get 8-10 times the amount of ice cream if we were to get them from the grocery store.
So I gave them a choice; they could choose to buy the ice cream there and then or to pocket the money. After a short while of thinking, they chose to pocket the money. And when I asked if they wanted fiat or bitcoin, they chose bitcoin instantly, without hesitation.
At that moment, I couldn’t help but feel a slight sense of being proud of my kids.
You’re no slouch either, good job
I was just checking Hacker News feed and found Kera Desktop
It is a javascript based desktop which is nice looking.
If you have some free time take a look. Make sure you have nothing important to do. lol
Day 58 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.