When it rains it pours
It makes sense. Blackrock sets trends. If they are getting in, everyone else will want in too. Any institution that manages 401k's for sure. Would be a good idea to shift your 401k distributions around to accommodate.
Nothing beats self custody, but these are the ways we integrate Bitcoin and its properties into every financial product on the planet. The most important thing isn't that everyone accumulates. It is VERY important.
The most important thing is for Bitcoin to cause systemic and net positive change for everyone regardless of if they have Bitcoin or not, or are even aware it exists at all. A lot of people have 401k's set to automatically distribute and self manage by institutions like Fidelity and Blackrock.
I wonder what happens when they start adding Bitcoin related etfs and stocks to some of those default automatic distributions? Or what about when Bitcoin gets integrated into pension funds? Cant imagine that will be negative.