none at all. just here for the thought leadership.
Generally whatever’s left after bills goes into sats.
all of it
Income is Bitcoin
i’m very risk averse. i split all my investing and retirement income i to dividend king/aristocrat stocks and bitcoin. it will either pay off big time or i will have a modest return over a long time. But, i’m good with either.
Not enough.
From my primary job I don't put anything. However, I do some work that pays me in bitcoin, in addition to P2P and other services that I provide. Everything that is not my primary salary I leave in bitcoin.
What kinds of 'secondary" jobs do you do and are there openings?
I work with content creation (writing, narration and production) about libertarianism and bitcoin on the youtube channel Visão Libertária ( They have openings for anyone who wants to write, but it is necessary to write in Brazilian Portuguese. The P2P I have a network of buyers and suppliers, but unfortunately there are no vacancies. However, if you have a good solution and are active on the social networks that bitcoiners are on, you can do this job too. Also, I use workana to do translations from English to Brazilian Portuguese. There are N people needing services there as well.
10% direct deposit immediately with each paycheck and then another 25% of the left over DCA'd over the month.
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