College is now a negative
lol no it's not. Not at all. You just don't want people to be educated because you're probably a rethuglican and you know that the least educated states in the nation all vote red every election cycle.
Bitcoin is for everyone. I like what Nico from Simply Bitcoin says: it’s not red vs blue- it’s orange vs green
What shot are you on? 6? 7?... lmao
You should go learn how to educate yourself and stop repeating propaganda talking points.
LOL brainwashed loser
Love this.
Why are you against giving innocent individuals from traumatic homes and awful situations a helping hand? Why are you against making the top 1-2% of wealth pay for it? Why do you care more about the rich and wealthy individuals that aren't paying their fair share of taxes than innocent children that did nothing wrong and were taken from everything they ever knew and forced into a new and challenging childhood/life?
I bet you're a "christian" too, aren't you? or you claim to be..
typical ad hominem attacks. Learn how economics work before talking about it. You sound like a fool and an idiot.
This link was posted by pessimizer 1 hour ago on HN. It received 189 points and 126 comments.