The chance of getting an anti bitcoin, pro cbdc president is pretty much 100%. Fortunately Bitcoin was designed to thrive in an adversarial environment.
Woods Law: No matter who you vote for you get John McCain.
My god another Trump Biden show down in 2024? America has fallen! This is the best we can do for leadership? Two grandpas who probably don’t know what GitHub means. Sad to see this downfall.
The job of every political candidate is to say anything to get campaign donations. Getting elected is not needed for them to get a huge payday via donations.
Don't give political candidates any money; they are all scammers.
"Never trust an elf a politician!" - Gimli
Politicians, yes, but I'm talking about political candidates. They have nothing to lose by just asking people for money, while promising things they won't or can't deliver.
United States is a corporation. Do you care who is the CEO of Walmart?
Francis Suarez also support Bitcoin and he would be someone's vice president perhaps.
Putting faith in politicians is always a bad idea but I must say Vivek is one convincing dude when I watch him speak💯
Bitcoin gonna bitcoin
How about their take on the military industrial complex.
How about the whistleblower saying special access programs are operating without congressional oversight, and classification of said programs is determined by people in and OUT OF THE GOVT.
I want my money back from the war pigs that have been stealing it from us, and I want it in bitcoin.
When did trump say it was a scam?
trump is pro eth and solano, him and his wife have nfts collections on those lmao
More like he licensed his brand to some NFT bros for a stack of cash
Wish List:
  • Allow taxes to be paid in bitcoin
  • Eliminate taxes on bitcoin
  • Pass Keep Your Coins Act affirming self custody protections
Wish List:
  • Remove taxes, period.
Taxes on what? Bitcoin? Or in general? Because like @tnuts420 said, they do exist for a reason...
yeah, taxation is theft, am i right? fuck roads, and schools, and the fire department. as a matter of fact, fuck civilized society and any form of organized government in general. it's the libertarian life for me!
Here they come with the same argument as always, a non-argument ...
You are very naive to think that taxes are going to be used for any of these things, they won't. Maybe 5%, the rest will be wasted on stupid stuff, you know it.
Always remember, they can, and will, print money out of thin-air, taxes don't actually do anything besides making your poor.
you are very naive to think that taxes are going to be used for these things, they won't.
lol, interesting. enlighten me then, where exactly do you think the money for these publicly funded programs come from, if not taxes?
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.