Here is some real-time information about temporary phone number companies that accept the Lightning Network:
  • Virtual number companies accepting cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin on the Lightning Network, allow you to use temporary phone numbers for various purposes.
  • Some SMS companies accept Monero (XMR) and provide temporary phone numbers for communication.
  • sms4sats is a service that offers one-time use phone numbers supporting over 400 services and 120 countries. They accept Bitcoin via the Lightning Network.
  • LNSMS is another service that provides disposable phone numbers generated through Bitcoin Lightning payments. It helps maintain privacy and avoid spam.
  • Bitrefill is a platform where you can purchase a virtual number with crypto or Bitcoin using a Skype gift card.
  • Moon is an online shopping platform that accepts cryptocurrency payments, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ether, and Bitcoin Cash. They also utilize the Lightning Network for faster transactions.
Textverified have been around for some time too
Yes I considered adding it, but it seems they require an email address. I know you can use a temp mail but still
Ah OK cool
cool ! thank you i had no idea these existed!