I started a new substack called Bitcoin Papist.
This my humble contribution on money as it relates to the Catholic faith and tradition in the digital age. I'm not a theologian, cryptographer, technomonastic, or academic of any sort, just a layman sharing my studies.
The first piece I'm sharing is a response to Matt Fradd's commentary on the Russell Brand demonetization, where Jacob Imam erred on the only Pints with Aquinas bitcoin episode, and the conversation on the spiritual legacy of fiat inflation I'd love to hear.
As long as Pints with Aquinas, New Polity, or Russell Brand continue to use the internet to sell to the world, they are beholden to unjust or disincentivized mediators that can shut down their source of income on a whim, until a tool like bitcoin is embraced.
This is, I think, the inherent contradiction in their attitudes that you need to hammer 🔨 .
They're happy to use modern tech for their marketplace, but their currency is antiquated and controlled by people who hate them.
Right, I tried to keep the tone from being polemical or takey. "Get back to the earth, get local, technology sucks," is always a rich take from those who make a living on these platforms. At least grapple with the contradiction.