I was thinking about this the other day and I thought I'll ask you, just interested in your opinions.
Post what your choice is in the comments, I will read all of them.
Bitcoin is the daddy of crypto and is the most likely to be around in 5-10 years but ETH and ADA have smaller market caps so more room to grow.
I would personally choose ETH as it can still 2x or 3x in the next few years whereas BTC may not even 2x.
Anyway thanks for reading and I wish you all lot's of success in all your investments.
Bitcoin is the daddy of crypto and is the most likely to be around in 5-10 years but ETH and ADA have smaller market caps so more room to grow.
This makes zero sense. Something worthless can not grow more simply because it is worth less. Bitcoin is a decentralized trustless digital currency, probably the only one, the others are shitcoins.
ETH?! That's a good joke. I hope this is bait Joe. If it isn't you have a lot of reading to do.
how did you even arrive at this thought experiment, what logic are you using, what have you been reading/watching?
ETH and ADA are bleeding against BTC this year and will continue bleeding because Bitcoin dominance is increasing and is making higher highs and higher lowes i think it will go to 60% or more so it's better to have bitcoin than the alts in the bear market.
ETH - so I could dump it for BTC.
Why to choose? You can diversify. But 1 BTC for sure if you only choose one.