The ecosystem, which keeps growing despite both external and internal headwinds.
  • the experimentation around tech that can support new types of btc-centric institutions, e.g., Fedimint, Liquid
  • all the stuff going on in lightning, e.g., new and creative ways to do self-custody, ways to use lightning for new business models like SN
  • forward-looking companies like Block, Spiral, Blockstream producing frameworks that make development way easier
  • the re-emergence of actually smart and thoughtful people into the culture (e.g., Lyn Alden, the btc philosophers) after years of reactionary idiocy; this means that when circumstances render normies susceptible to the btc message, there will be things for them to read / wtach that won't sound insipid or unhinged
  • a near-perfect storm of bad shit over the last couple years, and somehow the US govt has not declared total war on it, giving all these developments time to grow
Until recently, the price has been in the toilet and the news in the mainstream media has been unilaterally terrible; and yet under the surface great things have been steadily unfolding.