Disney's big animation for the 2023 Thanksgiving holidays is simply called "Wish." It's a kid's musical about a widely-beloved King who we find out is actually evil. It literally teaches the concept of "power corrupts."
Which one of you AnCaps wrote this? Admit it... There is no way in hell that Disney's usual writers came up with this plotline on their own... It had to be a subterfuge that anarchists snuck in past their low-IQ propagandizing department and onto the big screen before they realized the values that it teaches!
In it the extremely-beloved king "Magnifico" grew his kingdom after learning magic that grants wishes, kind of like having a Genie as your king... But in his case, everybody in the kingdom tells the king their wish and he makes them forget it until the day he grants it, which he does at rate of rougly 14 wishes per year. They all figure he's just keeping them from heartache in the meantime and love him all the more for it.
Then one day a young true-believer applies to be his intern and she learns the secret behind the scenes that he gains power from capturing these wishes... So she makes her own wish upon a star (disney style) and it is granted, setting her on a collision course with the king who goes full-on authoritarian at that point.
It does a great job of showing that his well-intentioned kindness can still be perverted into full-on evil because power corrupts. I honestly can't detect any other major theme to this movie that they could have been shooting for!
Best. Disney. Movie. Ever.
Glad the movie is good and I can actually have my kids watch it. I think you are giving Disney too much credit. You are probably supposed to interpret the evil King as Trump or something like that.
I don't care what I'm 'supposed to' interpret it as... Somehow the right message slipped through and most people will interpret this to mean that power corrupts. Quite a rare find, no matter the origin.
We love this movie!