If yes, what source made you think this was the case? If No. what do you make of this current UFO pump in media?
9 votes \ poll ended
21 sats \ 6 replies \ @Fabs 5 Jan
With the rise of high-end smartphones, the planet's populace has essentially become a giant surveillance apparatus.
If, if earth has been scouted by aliens in recent years, I can't believe that there's no single picture or video captured of that.
Sure, there is "evidence" as in; corn fields with elaborate circles and shapes, incredibly blurry pics and vids but yeah what is that worth?
One can be done by humans, and the other two are essentially unintelligible blobs of pixels.
I mean; who hasn't a smartphone on him practically always while out and about? Or even at home?!
We record practically everything that's around us on a daily basis, yet there is no material available which depicts something that's even remotely close to something as a spaceship, let alone an đź‘˝.
We haven't been visited, why?
There's simply too many things a foreign intelligent race could do to or with us, or our planet's resources, and that's if they are even remotely like us.
They would either make themselves visible to us, or be captured by some sort of device, thus producing hard evidence of them, to us.
Forget about ETs and visitation for a moment. What do you make of the civilian and military pilot reports about all the weird things they see in the air?
There's simply too many things a foreign intelligent race could do to or with us, or our planet's resources, and that's if they are even remotely like us.
Agreed. So why do you propose only two options, reveal themselves or get captured? Both of which, if you spend some time with the subject, have apparently already happened to some degree.
Did the finches comprehend what Darwin was doing while he observed them?
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @Fabs 6 Jan
Nothing, because they show nothing but stuff to fantasize about.
What other options are there?
So for you it's got to be, show me videos or photos, or gtfo. Is that right?
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @Fabs 6 Jan
What other ways are there? "First-hand encounters" ? Yeah right.
100+ years of "first-hand encounters" tells me that there's not "nothing" here. Especially with how weird the USG has acted over the years.
Doesn't need to be little green men, maybe it's simply our Manhattan Project 2.0.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @Fabs 6 Jan
Yeah, because all those witnesses can be trusted to speak the truth, and nothing but the truth! /S.
You go ahead and believe what you want to believe, there's people that blow themselves up because they'll go to a place with golden rivers and a personal harem...
I'm not surprised anymore.
Had a similar experience with the fast-moving pill-shaped object pilots have seen the last few years, except back in 1978. Still at a Navy base though!
Would love to see a post about this!
Getting further into the details can doxx me.
That's pretty much the story. A friend and me (so a witness). Because we were on a base and military kids we first thought something secret being tested. But when it took off from a hover to faster than sight, we both yelled UFO! Ran home and told our parents. No one believed us.
Would it be overly cynical of me to say that the media pump is distraction techniques and it's being put out so they can do something whilst our attention slips? Like some bill in Congress making crypto more difficult? Or something like that that they want attention diverted from? Or is that too cynical?
I'm gonna fasten my tinfoil hat and say it's the exact opposite.
I think there's plenty of eyes on everything in this world and not nearly enough on bitcoin and the UFO topic, and I think they have much MUCH more in common than anyone on either sides of the topic thinks.
There's another ~$1.9 trillion missing from the latest Pentagon budget, for example. Where, oh where, does it all go..
Ask Nancy Pelosi's husband where it's gone , or Janet yellen, or any one of those theives🤣🤣
I see what you're saying. I don't know if I believe in UFOs, some things don't add up, like how far away the nearest potentially habitable planet is to us would take too long. The speed of light is a speed limit... As far as we know. But I also conceed that there are a lot of occurrences that can't be explained and technological leaps in our advancement that don't happen by accident. Discovery of semiconductors? Crazy how rapidly we jumped in tech.
So I stand firmly in the camp of it is incredibly improbable that technology required to visit us by aliens exists. Under our current understanding of what would be required. But that doesn't mean a solution we don't understand doesn't exist and is being utilised.
These so called leaps are attributed to something called the "technological singularity." Essentially, it means that as technology progresses, it enables further advancements at a quicker rate. Each technological breakthrough serves as a foundation for new developments, leading to a compounding effect where progress accelerates due to the tools, knowledge, and capabilities provided by existing technologies.
Due to advancements in microscopics, super cooling and information sharing Heike Kamerlingh Onnes discovered superconductivity when he observed mercury's electrical resistance drop to zero at temperatures near absolute zero.
There are people wayyyy smarter and with access to wayyy more resources than the ordinaries like you and I that are the single reason for these leaps.
That's true, I don't pretend to understand how we've made these leaps. But we have and I'd not heard of "technological singularity" before but it makes total sense. The example you gave about mercury is a great one to show how one tiny breakthrough can cascade into massive implications.
I’m glad my insights helped. It never hurts to question things, infact I think it’s vital. Just don’t fall into rabbit holes. The brain will find patterns along the way, make sure it finds the rights ones!
Trust nothing, verify everything đź‘Ť