Then, each time you restart the node, you will need to input the words using --restore-wallet: āžœ ~ lampod-cli --network-signet --restore-wallet "maple have fitness decide
You do know that your seed is now in ~/.bashrc, right?
correct, but we must start somewhere :) lampo supports bip 39 already from day 0, other implementation no.
We will fix this too but the priority is to be stable before supporting privacy leak (also if this is a big one), but on signet or testnet it is not a big problem
Will lampo play nice with existing implementations and wasn't the use of LDK in a wallet, Zeus? causing problems recently with a particular lightning implementation, C-lightning?
ce with existing implementations and wasn't the use of LDK in a was
Yeah I think so, you can use the lampod library to build your lightning node, if you ping me by email we can chat about it
Thanks. I'm not developing but might do some testing for my own learning.
Congrats for building this node, Lampo is a good name
Thanks, looks like that the Italian names are nice for projects ahhaha