We bitcoiners hate middlemen, but sometimes it is difficult to forget them, as we need to buy or sell bitcoin at some point, so maybe it is a good time to consider doing it ourselves, this also means covering a need, especially for nocoiners who want to acquire their first sats, usually they have no choice but to resort to banana commissions, custodial wallets and absurd KYC processes. https://m.stacker.news/9944
Dropping into an atm involves a camera pointed at your face and sms verification at best. On the other hand, buying from an intermediary app involves having a bank account and huge fees, which is ridiculous. Another drawback is that most atms and specialty stores are not using lightning currently, don't ask me why, I don't understand it either.
In the very near future, I feel and hope that bitcoiners will be more organized, weaving networks in real life to solve this problem, a network of buyers and sellers based on trust in which the fee is zero or minimal, maybe group decides to have no fees or include some (1 or 2%) to allocate it to certain common causes, such as maintaining a website, create events or simply donate it to charitable causes within the neighborhood. https://m.stacker.news/9946 If you are walking with bitcoin fellas around your city it would not be too hard to start operating on a small scale, you can buy and sell each other, but sometimes it is difficult in such a small group.
This system could simply works as a group of people connecting each other, but I imagine a western-style bar where sats are exchanged by customers, amidst laughter, whiskey and dark tobacco
I like this name: lightnIRL Thanks for reading, sat
They already have this, check out localcoinswap they have an in person exchange option. I believe there's also a telegram bot called lnp2p that does this too
Great, thanks for commenting 👍
I notice you don't use the words law, regulation, or government in your post. Are you new here?
Somehow this gives me the masons vibes, in a good way of course, with the comeraderie of gentlemen gathering in secret to conduct deals, leaving all the conspiracy theories to one side for minute lol
In the future who knows, bitcoinisation or the name of satoshi could be held in the same regard as king solomon
Also would girls be allowed in to our lodge, I mean group!
There are already possibilities to do that, for example, hodlhodl.com, which acts just as an offer board and multisig escrow service for pure P2P deals. Not available in USA, though (as a lot of Bitcoin services, due to laws).
Also, in-person Bitcoin meetups are often good place to do that.
Thanks for the suggestion, I used localbitcoins years ago, it seems very similar
LocalBitcoins was custodial, this is not. Seller deposits bitcoins directly into 2-of-3 multisig address of each contract, buyer then get them to his wallet. At no point HodlHodl has full control over any bitcoins of the traders.
Feliz fiesta y un buen año nuevo, amigo
Sounds like a good place to get mugged.