Let me begin by expressing my deep admiration for Nostr. Its protocol is simple, elegant, and provides a robust system for implementing censorship-resistant social media. However, I anticipate challenges for it to gain mainstream adoption.
The issues Nostr addresses are less explicit compared to those addressed by Bitcoin. I've learned that many individuals believe a degree of censorship is necessary on social media platforms. While some may experience post deletions or social media account suspensions, the majority prioritize being present on platforms where their favorite celebrities are.
On the other hand, Bitcoin tackles issues affecting everyone profoundly: the devaluation of fiat currencies. Bitcoin stands out as central banks worldwide grapple with the failures of their experiments. Even nations with strong currencies are being eroded by inflation and debt. While it's possible to send Bitcoin on Nostr, this feature can easily be integrated into centralized platforms.
In conclusion, I foresee Nostr persisting as a niche system embraced by purists and free speech maximalists, whereas Bitcoin, gradually but steadily, will rightfully secure its place as the global monetary reserve.