The farmers are protesting for more subsidies and government handout. Framing their efforts as economically liberal or even libertarian is dishonest.
Sorry, You have no idea. Please get informed before writing nonsense. They are protesting against a tax hike on 'Agrardiesel'. Against the forced reduction of their herds, overregulation, forced construction of reg. energy, forced usage of special fertilizers etc etc. Right?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @moel 8 Jan
They have cheaper diesel that what you can buy for you car of truck. Now it getting a bit more expensive (still cheaper then diesel for car).
You need to see the bigger picture: it's a protest against the green (WEF) transformation agenda that demands besides thousands of regulations the reduction of live stock and agric. land by at leadt 50%. This policy is an attack on the whole middle class and the economy is collapsing. People are waking up
24 sats \ 3 replies \ @ca 8 Jan
Subsidies AFUERA
Again, please, last time: since when is a reduced tax a subsidy?
Ich weiß, das ist jetzt ganz hart für euch Grüne, aber die Leute haben von der linken Gängelei die Schnauze voll! Und noch einmal: die heben eine vorher reduzierte Steuer an. Eine Subvention ist eine direkte Zahlung. Das da oben ist Propaganda Deiner Kommieregierung.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ca 9 Jan
"nationwide protests against SUBSIDY CUTS"
You must be one of these german gov bots. Incredible that You do not get what this protest of diverse groups is all about.
I've been fascinated with Europe's farm protests. American farmers are some of the biggest corporate welfare queens you'll ever see. They might talk big, but they're entirely bought off by the government.
491 sats \ 7 replies \ @TomK OP 8 Jan
Even my mother and my sister went out this morning at 4 o'clock to bring coffee and soup. It's really crazy
Good for them. Do the farmers have a lot of public support?
482 sats \ 5 replies \ @TomK OP 8 Jan
Oooooh yes. I would say 75% backing
Maybe you live in a different bubble than me. I don't know a single person that supports welfare queen farmer protests in Germany. Their support is maybe in the 10% range, not in the 75% range.
I hope this socialism stops and they cut their funding. I (and other white color workers) are sick of paying taxes for your handouts.
Ntv: 92% dafür
Sorry, You have no idea. Please get informed before writing nonsense. They are protesting against a tax hike on 'Agrardiesel'. Against the forced reduction of their herds, overregulation, forced construction of reg. energy, force
Lol, that's not true. Maybe the opposite. Also only poors and leftists support them
I think that more and more people understand that these parasites in politics are representing and executing an agenda (Davos) that destroys the last parts of the fundament of free society. This protest may be the last chance to bring them down.
Imagine simping for communist government handouts on Stacker News 🤣🤣🤣
Know your audience man
And You really don't see the real background? The destruction of the country by these green commies? Oh boy, grow up
Since when is a reduced tax a subsidy? Are You that programmed by the state that it's Your norm? Again: they are taking back a tax advantage.
Ok. It's too difficult. Good luck with Your commies (hint: they're going down)
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ca 9 Jan
You're the only commie here, demanding from the governments that subsidies should not be cut.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @TomK OP 9 Jan
Do You really don't get it?a subsidy is a direct transfer. In this case they will cut a tax advantage.