Let's start from the basics

Design is a broad and multifaceted concept that encompasses the creation, planning, and execution of various elements to achieve a specific purpose or solve a particular problem. It is not limited to a single discipline but is integral to various fields, including art, engineering, architecture, user experience, graphic design, and many more fields and industries that we'll try to list below.
As the aim of this territory is not to focus on nice visuals that have no other function that satisfy it creators'ego and a need for attention ad love. It's worth to highlight again that Design with capital "D" is the process of creating something new, whether it's a physical object, a service, or an experience, to satisfy a particular need or problem in a specific time and space. It's about understanding the needs of people in a particular environment and creating solutions that are firstly functional and secondly aesthetically pleasing, when a certain level of simplicity ad the application of specific principles.

But, wait a bit... Where did Design come from?

The concept of design has ancient roots, dating back to the early civilizations where individuals crafted tools, utensils, and structures for practical purposes. The word itself, originate from the Latin designare to lately be included as verb in the Italian language, referring to the senses of "contrive, plot, intend," and also draw or paint. So it was a visualization of the intent first, the materialization of an archetype that could not be described by words.
However, the formalization and recognition of Design as a distinct discipline began to evolve during the industrial revolution in the 18th and 19th centuries. This period saw a shift from traditional craftsmanship to mass production, and designers emerged to address the challenges posed by new technologies and industrial processes. A much more systematic and methodical process, but in general, it still retains its core goal of creating solutions that improve people's lives.

Where is Design applied today?

Design is used in almost every aspect of our lives, from the products we use every day to the buildings we live and work in. Designers are employed in a wide range of industries, including (the most commonly agreed) architecture, engineering, product design, graphic and web design, fashion design, interior design, but also extended in fields such as healthcare, education, and business.
Here are some specific examples of where design is applied today, and I'll keep this list as long as I can, but please also consider that technology, like the tools and spaces we use, are constantly changing, so consequently, this fields will change and evolve too:
  1. Graphic Design
  2. Industrial Design
  3. User Experience (UX) Design
  4. Architecture
  5. Fashion Design
  6. Interior Design
  7. Web Design and Development
  8. Automotive Design
  9. Game Design
  10. Environmental Design
  11. Package Design
  12. Service Design
  13. Drugs Design
  14. Instructional Design
  15. Communication Design
  16. Medical and Healthcare Design
  17. Sound Design
  18. Data Visualization Design
  19. Museum and Exhibition Design
  20. Corporate Identity Design
  21. Social Design
  22. Culinary Design
  23. Aerospace and Aircraft Design
  24. Robotics Design
  25. Retail Design
  26. Legal Design
  27. Financial Design
  28. Motion Graphics Design
  29. Animation Design
  30. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Design
  31. Exhibition Design
  32. Lighting Design
  33. Sustainable Design
  34. Textile Design
  35. Branding Design
  36. Wayfinding and Signage Design
  37. Entertainment Design (for movies, TV, and theater)
  38. Book Cover Design
  39. App Design
  40. Information Architecture Design
  41. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Design
  42. Educational Design
  43. Game Design
  44. Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Design
  45. Accessibility Design
  46. Crisis Communication Design
  47. Renewable Energy Design
  48. Theme Park and Attraction Design
  49. Typographic Design ...
This list of showcases could go on forever... Design applies to everything we do and to all the diverse applications of design across various industries, highlighting its significance in shaping our environment and experiences.

Are you willing to dive in?

In the most common industries, we can find patterns that repeat. Someone also tried to define some principles to regulate how we should design, but also to justify the need to use design from a business perspective, some time to use it as a tool for marketing and recruit creative minds. For example, all the major big tech companies using design have built their own internal design principles that help ad guide their teams across multiple disciplines.
The aim of this writing is for you to remember that Design isn't probably what you are thinking of, and don't be limited to understand what others have told or teach you. Keep in mind that design is NOT only about cool UIs and fashion clothes... Design is a practice that has been inspiring and crafting utility objects for centuries.
Maybe a prod for many to dive a bit deeper instead of just surfing the latest trending wave.

Be Creative! Stay focus!

What are your thoughts on this topic?
Howdy creatives, desigers ideators and innovators We aim to build a value4value community that challenge ideas and provide solutions to universal issues. Join us on SN ~Design territory or if you know any #designer(s), tag them below using their SN, nostr, or X @username, alternatively feel free to invite them using this link:

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Looking forward to continuing the conversation about anything you wish
I appreciate this write up! I have been poking around in the design world a little bit since many of my inclinations and interests lead me to this type of work. Still, it's a space that evades identity and I find myself pretty confused at the current structures in place for doing design. I think this territory will be helpful for asking my questions and getting thoughtful answers from the stackers. One thing which confused me throughout your writing, though, was your use of 'ad'? I do not know this word as you use it.
Hey @plebpoet thanks for your feedback. All those "ad" should have been "and"... a repeated typing mistake!
It's true that defining design i the way I mentioned might confuse people more than having our brains looking at nice coloured pictures and screenshots. That's why I started the territory, with the aim to let everyone understand that there's a creative mind on each single one of us. We are a creative being and the fact that our specie survived for millennia is a great point to examine deeper.
I look forward to reading your questions and support you, and anyone else interested, to grow and nurse that creative mind that is looking for ideas, inspiration and sometimes vent out!
super cool! thanks for the space! I'm in Austin and we have a monthly bitcoin design club meeting. anything like that where you are?
Not IRL, but plenty of inspirational alternatives around here 😉