I am always trying to find fun & interesting ways to work math & reading into my normal interactions with my kids.
Since my oldest has started to get more into bitcoin and gets weekly satoshi allowance, I've been working on some different ideas to use staoshi bribes to get them to do what I want (muuwahahaha....)
Today I introduced the game of "Satoshi Math":
  • I give the kid a math problem
  • Kid answers the math problem correctly
  • Kid writes down the answers to the math problems
  • At the end, kid adds all the answers together to get X total
  • Kid gets X satoshis in their Lightning Wallet
This is the best idea I've come up with so far - would love to hear other ideas!
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this is cool! How old is your kid? I can try to think of some ideas. I teach high school math. I wish I could give some satoshis to my students, but there is too much red tape and I know it would put me in a bad position once the word got out.
My kid is 8. It's been great because we can play in the car while I drive him to school, or when we have some down time - as long as it motivates him, I am happy to try it, and right not Satoshis are motivating him :-)
Oh fantastic idea, let me copy it to apply with my children... Thank you