How useful has keet been for you guys? And what are some ways you’ve utilized it?
Been (test) using it since the alpha release. Used the desktop version mostly at first and used it to do video calls with a friend in China (and also stuff like screen shares). The quality of the calls is outstanding and having highly ensured privacy (albeit, without having had all the source code reviewed at this time) is really, really nice.
Been using the mobile version more since its code rewrite and newer beta release. But there I've been using it mostly to follow progress of Keet itself, and not using it privately. So that means being in the 'Pear Community' and Plan B and El Salvador Keet rooms. Also joined the Bitcoin room but I'm not finding it particularly high signal to noise so far.
Really like how Keet and Holepunch have fully prioritised P2P and decentralisation. 'Never on a server' is a great motto. Really thrilled about the project and impressed by the talent in the development team.
Thanks for the info! I haven’t seen the desktop version yet but I’ve read good things about it
Really useful, but still have a long way to go to catchup
Has it been easy to find rooms or are you creating your own?
@TheGuySwann talks about Keet and Holepunch quite a bit on his latest podcast.
I’ll add it to my list! Thanks!