"From software-as-a-service (SAAS) to life-as-a-service
Most people are already accustomed to monthly subscriptions: Netflix, Spotify, Disney+, ChatGPT — even our doorbells come with a subscription these days.
Then you have big ticket items: health, education, transportation, accommodation, utility bills — everything in modern life has become a subscription.
Now wait until synthetic vision and brain implant interfaces become a monthly subscription. Wait until having a functioning body becomes provisional. Wait until humans are unable to function without their tech overlords keeping their bodies and realities operational.
We haven’t seen such levels of slavery in human history."
On the flip side, we haven't seen such possibilities to penetrate plebs with Saylor memes in human history :D
The Vision Pro is not an accessory. It does not pair to your iPhone, like AirPods and Apple Watches do. No, the Vision Pro replaces your gadgets — iPad, first, then MacBook, and eventually, as size permits, your iPhone, your TV, and pretty much everything else.
This is a big propaganda going on here but progress can't be stopped