Old Happy: “I need to be perfect to be worthy of love.
New Happy: “All of me is worthy of love."
Today, I'd like to remind you of something: you are worthy of love.
When I say you, I mean all of you. Every single part of you. Especially the parts of you that are struggling.
There are some parts of yourself that you might find easier to accept and love. They are probably the parts that meet a specific standard that your family, community or society set for you. We have all been told stories that dictate what is required to be worthy.
Then, there are other parts of you that you feel that you have to change, deny, overextend, or suppress. They’re the parts of you that feel hurt, ignored, lost, ashamed, confused, overwhelmed, angry, and scared. And they, too, are worthy — and they are yearning to receive love from you.
Today, try to see what it would feel like to accept all parts of you. Ask yourself, "Where am I struggling right now?" How could you extend love to that part of you? When you're going through a hard time, that's when you most need your own love. Don't deny it to yourself—give it to yourself.